You will need
- Dye, oxidizing agent and brush to paint.
Mix in any non-metallic (porcelain, clay, glass) ware oxidizer and paint. First, add the oxidizing agent should be approximately 2.5 ml. If no meter, use a teaspoon or a pipette (a teaspoon placed 5 ml or add 7-8 drops from a pipette). Oxidizer for paint can be replaced with hydrogen peroxide (10-12 %).
Now in a bowl, pour the paint for the eyebrows. It should be approximately 5 ml, that is 1 teaspoon. Mix the components and let them in for 1 minute to infuse. Then you can apply the paint on the eyebrow brush. After applied, comb dyed eyebrows along the growth of the hairs to distribute the paint evenly throughout. After a few minutes, rinse the paint with warm water and cotton swab.
The paint does not hit the delicate skin of the eyelid, apply it before applying the cream around the eyes. In addition, sometimes the paint is an allergic reaction, but it happens rarely.
Useful advice
Before to buy paint for the eyebrows, consult your hairdresser what color is most suitable to you, not to be mistaken. The paint on the eyebrows hold no more than 10 minutes. In order to emphasize the color, you can use 5 minutes, for a stronger coloration of the hairs hold paint within 10 minutes. Also dye eyebrows can also be used for eyelashes.