You will need
  • - inula;
  • - comfrey;
  • - Potentilla;
  • - peony;
  • - tamus;
  • - Brioni;
  • - Rhodiola rosea root;
  • - vodka.
The joints need to warm up. If you have a healthy blood vessels and good circulation, before bed take a hot bath. From time to time go to the sauna or steam bath. There you not only warm, but also print the body of toxins, clean the skin.
Should eat right. Be careful in the diet was present more vitamins and minerals, but do not settle on fatty foods. Eat more plant-based foods, lean fish, meat.
Keep yourself in good physical shape. At least 20 minutes a day charging. Develop a motility of fingers of arms and legs, often bend them. It is useful to roll the feet on the floor, for example, the bottle to touch the hands small balls.
Possibly reduce the occurrence of stressful situations, a nervous overstrain. Try to observe the daily routine. Sleep at least 7 hours a day. Because sleep deprivation is a common cause of the disease.
Try to use traditional methods, such as herbs. Take in equal proportions elecampane, Rhodiola rosea root, bryony, tamus, peony, comfrey and cinquefoil. All components mix, pour vodka 1:10 and leave for 30 days in a cool dark place. In order to heat the patient's joint, make a compress with the tincture at night. If you just want to relieve pain, lubricate the affected area, but do not RUB.