Ear hryaschik Terriers weaken for lack of calcium, and therefore do not rise vertically. In the dog's diet will include more calcium-rich food and animal feed – for example, start to feed your puppy cooked pork hryaschik or jelly, containing gelatin natural.
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Give your dog the vitamins needed for proper growth and development, and more walk with the puppy in the fresh air, arranging outdoor games and providing it with an active pastime. Physical activity and proper nutrition will strengthen the health of Terrier, and maybe it will help lifting lugs in a vertical position.
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Some puppies problems with the ear have genetic roots to exclude hereditary problem setting, ask the breeder who sold you the puppy, how did the ear from his parents.
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If puppy's ears do not rise, eliminate strokes the pup's head, and he regularly do massage the ears.
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Wash your hands well and start to turn to massage each ear, directing the movement from the base to the tip, giving the ear a vertical position. Do massage five-six times a day.
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Also for a proper set of ears can be glued using only harmless materials. Do not use otkleivanie ears chemicals and glue to put the lugs , you can use the patch.
Remove from the inner surface of the ear hair, wipe the ear with lotion and check the puppy's ears damage and inflammation. Glue can only be healthy and clean ears.
Roll each ear in the tube, set it upright and point the outer edge of the ear inside. Fix the edges with tape. To ears fell, bind them together to the bridge of the adhesive plaster or bandage.
Check the bandage every day and after a week remove it to check how well the ears are the dog. If necessary, repeat otkleivanie.