Any dwelling serviced by public utilities. If the room is in joint ownership, the account one. On it credited payments and written off. The desire to share the burden of payments is clear: if you have any conflicts with utilities will have to understand exactly what the owners, the bills which there was no charge. In this case, the bona fide owners are protected from lawsuits and other troubles.
So, to divide the personal account, you can get a separate account according to the share, which is decorated in the property. It is not important enough for that share, to allocate a separate room or not. The share is issued exactly on the square footage of the property. In this case, the apartment becomes one object of ownership, but a few. Each share's owner, who has your account. According to his owner and pay for utilities.
If the owners of the apartment, which is joint ownership, agreement on the division of it into shares, and together they go to the notary, who comes from a particular case is the list of necessary documents and describes a sequence of actions.
If there is a conflict, it is necessary to apply to the magistrate at his residence with a claim on the allocation of shares in the apartment, privatization of which the applicant participated. To rely in this case on section 16 of the civil code.
When all notarial issues are settled, the apartment is divided into shares, you should contact the VES at the place of residence to renew the contract for the apartment. In VES are copies of certificates of state registration of ownership rights on share in the apartment and the owners statement on the separation of account.