Make a work plan on a diploma. Make a table and enter all the steps needed to write a diploma. This information search, systematization and analysis of the theoretical framework, preparation of the empirical material, the work with the empirical basis, writing each part of the diploma. Write the approximate timing of each stage.
Together with the head of your graduation project identify the purpose and objectives of work. Write them down - this information will be a significant part of the introduction. Make a list of literature, which addresses issues relevant to the thesis. Part of the names will tell you a teacher is also a list of sources can be written from the list of literature in textbooks on the subject and of similar work in your Department.
Find all these books and scientific publications. Read them, immediately noting the most important in the text. Underline or outline the points that reflect the way the author's studies, his thesis and conclusions.
Proceed directly to the writing of the diploma. After reading literature on the topic, you should form an idea of how the topic has been studied, what are the problems in its study and the prospects for the development of the topic. Summarize your knowledge on these issues at the beginning of the introduction. Then write about how topical and new your job in that context.
The next paragraphs in the introduction – the purpose and objectives that you have formulated. You will also need to write down what sources of information you used. After you write the diploma, the introduction will remain to characterize his work to write what is its practical use.
Much of the work you have already completed. Abstracts of literature use in the first Chapter, devoted to the theory. Organize information and complete it with their comments and insights. In Chapter rely on practical knowledge and insights gained during the study of scientific and educational literature on the topic of your diploma.