To calculate the total number of hours worked, multiply the number of people employed at the enterprise employees at the time that was spent on the production of the considered product their efforts. It is unlikely that it will be actually expended hours could be the norm. The reason is that every minutesand working time in the production process is used with varying degrees of intensity.
Don't forget about lunch breaks, rest. For example, the company consisted of 10 workers. Total working hours per week – 40 hours. The day they make two ten-minute break. The total time that was spent 10 workers on breaks: (10 minute * 2 * 5 days) * 10 workers = 1000 minutes, the clock will be equal to 16.7.
We can now calculate the total time spent on production, taking into account rest breaks: 40 hours * 10 – 16.7 hours = 383 man-hours.
For more accurate measurements, consider the truancy and days of temporary disability of workers. It all depends on the number of holidays that fall on a particular time of the year, and not only from this. If we take the average value of this indicator for the year, it equals 4%. Now make a recalculation of labor hours based on this indicator: 383 – (0,04 * 383) = 367,7 man-hours.
Although this, in turn, would also be helpful to clarify, because the productivity, if you take into account working day also varies. So, at the beginning workers spend time preparing to work, and closer to the end of the day many have off work and going home. And the tool, for example, can come into disrepair, which will also influence your workflow. Of course, to predict what will break when and how long each worker spends time preparing to work and home fees, it is impossible, but on average, these losses amount to 7% of the working time and more.
Considering the above, we obtain a formula: 367,7 – (0,07 * 367,7) = 342 man-hours actually available to the workers.
Calculate labor hours. If the efficiency of labor before the working group is 100%, without exceeding the norm, the number of labor hours we will be 342. But if the efficiency of labor will be equal to, say, 110%, at the disposal of the workers will already 342 * 1,10 = of 376.2 standard hour.
Judging from the above information, you can see that if a group of workers in 10 people charging the order with an estimated lead time of 400 hours, they will do it during the work week. Consider this to predict the failure to implement the works in time. You can increase the number of workers who will be involved in the order, or send part of the order to a different division.