The fact that you will meet your beloved in the airport, make sure to agree in advance. If you do not wish to deal with roaming, to negotiate about this before the trip. Otherwise, your spouse may decide that after your arrival you should immediately go home and without noticing you atmosphere, will go look for a bus or taxi. Check in advance the date, time of arrival and the flight number. If any of this will change without the use of expensive roaming services do not work.
To go to meet the beloved should not with empty hands. Bring food and drinks of those who prefers your husband. On the plane though and the food, but rather poorly. Also prepare a large, prominent sign with his name and surname. Fancy dress. Don't forget to grab the mobile phone: when the beloved arrives, he will be no longer in roaming and home zone, and be sure to call you. Do not bring any sharps, even nail scissors - inspection at the airport is sometimes produced and before entering the arrivals hall.
From home leave in advance, with the possibility of traffic congestion. Even if you go by subway, the tube may occur in the area from the destination station to the airport. In addition, sometimes the subway trains stop in the middle of the tunnel for up to half an hour. If, once you arrive you will not be able to find the arrival hall, ask the corresponding question to any guard.
In the arrival hall is the Board, which shall include flight numbers and exact times of landing. In the moment of landing should get off the bench and to raise the plate. To stand it will have from five minutes to an hour, depending on the delay of the appearance on the baggage conveyor, the length of the queue for passport control (if the trip was overseas). Waiting for her husband, don't hide your emotions - throw yourself into his arms. Then a good mood will be provided to him and to you.