If you came home you found your profile a friend request from someone who you are not interested, you can quickly and painlessly to reject the application in friends. So, when receiving requests to friends in a social network "My World" within the site check its relevance in the section "Friends". Go to the section located in the left side of the page and click on the tab "offers of friendship", and then on the subsection "Offer friendship". The list of potential friends find out who you are not interested, scroll and click on the link "Unsubscribe".
If a user bothers you "In touch", look under "My friends", where you click the tab "Application friends". Next user photo you will see the link "Reject" - click on it and this person will no longer bother you. If you sent a request to friends and now want to refuse the invitation, in the same section "My friends" and click on "Outgoing requests" and click on "Cancel" next to the unwanted user.
The functionality of the social network Facebook allows you to cancel a request to friends by pressing only one button. Open your profile in this network, click on the image of two people in the upper-left corner of the page and click on "Not now" next to those applications you don't need yet. Also possible Facebook allow you to cancel those invitations that are in the "Hidden requests". Review the list of requests to friends using the link "Show all queries" and the near unwanted users click "Delete".
As for the network of "Classmates", invitation to friends, usually displayed in the tab "Notifications". Go to this tab and click on "Ignore" next to the sentences, which want to receive.