You will need
  • - Russian-French PhraseBook;
  • - tutorial;
  • the audio course;
  • - computer interactive course;
  • - Russian-French and French-Russian dictionary;
  • - literature in the French language.
The main principle of learning any language – regularity. Do daily from 15 minutes to an hour, do not try to overload yourself: learn a little, but with care. Divide each lesson into several blocks with different orientation, for example: rules of reading – grammar – vocabulary – exercises.
Try to start learning the French language with no alphabet and transcription, and with commonly-used phrases. At the Russian-French PhraseBook to have a few days to talk and be able to keep the conversation on some topic (a story about yourself, the behavior in transport, cinema and theatre, etc.). Possessing a certain vocabulary, you will learn easier and grammar.
Knowledge about the rules and the fundamentals of French grammar can be obtained from the tutorial. Go to the selection of textbooks responsibly: it should be stated clearly and easy to understand, presented in the form of structured lessons and exercises must be accompanied by answers to self-test. To the paper edition you need a Supplement in the form of audio course for practicing pronunciation. Carefully read the rules, complete tasks, refer to the correct answers. Texts, dialogues and vocabulary practice reading out loud, memorize stable and idiomatic expressions.
A good alternative to the textbook – computer programs that include a basic set of words and phrases encountered in everyday situations. The system of presenting information in these courses is based on quizzes, games and other tasks of different difficulty levels. When choosing a program for learning the French language, pay attention to words and phrases are voiced by native speakers – this ensures correct pronunciation. For practice write down the texts on the carriers and compares with the original.
Having mastered a core set of commonly-used vocabulary, begin to read adapted literature in the French language. At first it may be difficult, but, using dictionaries and reference books, you will soon reach success.
Studying the language from books, don't forget about the living spoken language. Watching without translation and subtitles movies and TV shows in French, listen to French radio stations, enjoy French songs singers - on the Internet you can easily find it all.
Get social networks in French-speaking friends. Communicate with them on various topics, improve pronunciation, increase your vocabulary. So you can not only learn French, but also to find new friends. Please note clubs Francophones that exist in many large cities.