Go to a search engine with the help of which you can free and without registration to know the phone number to the address. To do this, in the upper left menu, select the city (in your case the city of Moscow). Then enter the street name, the "phone Number" and "Name of owner" do not fill. Click "Search". In the opened window, specify a more accurate address: a house number, building and apartment number. Again click "Search". Then you will see the search results for your query.
Find the owner of a phone number in his address via phone book of Moscow, which is located at and offers similar services.
To search for phone number by address in Moscow, use the phone book offering a more extensive list of phone numbers and addresses. A page will open it, locate the "Find" graphs "What?" and "Where?". In the "What?", enter the name of the company, shop or "house". In the "Where?" enter the city, street name, house number and apartment. Click "Next". You will see a list of phone numbers, registered at this address. If your address is a organization you will get another e-mail address and official website.
Find phone number by address in Moscow, you can use social networking (, etc.). But this requires you to be registered there. In the form for the search, specify the exact address of the person or other information such as, name, date of birth, visit the places. Finding the wanted page, you can find out his number, unless he has indicated it in your profile.
If find phone number by address on sites that provide this information free of charge, you don't succeed, use paid services, for example or