First get the seeds. For large-fruited varieties include such tomatoesas "the king of the giants", "Great warrior", "Pride of Siberia" and others. Carefully read the description and growing conditions.
Prepare seeds for planting. To do this, treat them with potassium permanganate. After that wash future the tomatoes simply with clean water. The seeds quickly germinate, soak them in a special solution for 12 hours. For preparation of the nutrient fluid dilute 1 ml of the zircon in a liter of water. Place the container in a warm place. Temper your giants to do this, place them where the temperature reaches +1 ° C, for example, in the refrigerator.
In February wisata tomato seeds giant. To do this, take the capacity, for example, wooden boxes. There pour a layer of soil in 5 cm, seal and pour the hot solution made from copper sulfate. Put there the prepared tomato seeds, cover the box with glass and put in a warm place. Every day for several minutes to ventilate the soil.
When sprouts appear (about a week), reduce the temperature by 15°. Water the seedlings immediately after emergence of the first seedlings, and then 10 days later. Watering should be done under the roots, the water temperature should be 16-18 ° C by.
When the seedlings appear four strong asimadoline leaf craft picks, that is, transplant of each Bush into a pot of size 10*12cm.
Make planting holes deep and wide, about 70 cm deep and almost as wide. One such hole planted two plants of tomato-giant, it is necessary to ensure that the Bush was large, only in this case you will have a good and rich harvest.
Land for tomato giant must consist of humus, peat earth and ash. After planting the plant necessarily tie up and abundantly pour water. Water should be shed only under a Bush. If it gets on the greens, you may experience a variety of diseases.
Tomatoes-giants grow to 6 meters long, so help them to acquire an additional roots. To do this, be sure to add nutrient soil, loosening old. Every 14 days nourish a culture of bird droppings.
In the process of growing tomatoes giant podesavate plant or put extra slats to maintain the stem.