Start summary with standard data, without which it is impossible to do. Title the document, then specify their name, surname and patronymic, age (total number of years or date of birth).
The following paragraph indicate the position for which you are applying. Write several phone numbers by which you can be contacted. Well here enter e-mail address, or any other form of communication with you.
Indicate your education. You should include information about your higher education, as well as all refresher courses, and listen to seminars.
Experience need not point further than the past seven to ten years. It is better to write the last three places of work (the more, the worse about you give the impression the employer). Be sure to close with the position and name of the company write your responsibilities on the job and skills that you have acquired.
At the end of the summary is usually placed the item in which the applicant writes in a free style a few sentences about yourself. In the case of a resume of a caregiver you should specify the qualities that are important when communicating with children. For example, enter this item, the responsibility, decency, love of children, patience. Specify several options of your pastime, such as reading professional literature, attending courses and seminars related to your profession, and others.
Attach to the summary of recommendations from previous places of work (at least with the latter). This document helps the employer to understand the relationship to you of your former bosses, and you should enlist the support of the parent office colleagues.