You will need
  • The program Doublegis or Gorodinform, telephone directory.
Find out the landline phone with the help of the Handbook or additional service which is provided by the telephone exchange. Usually this information is in the public domain. The only exceptions are those subscribers who at the conclusion of the contract with the provider indicated a ban on the placement of information about your phone number in the directories.
For obtaining information about the landline phone number of the individual subscriber, living in Kazan, purchase guides in the bookstore or use the help menu on your telephone exchange. Often these services are provided for a fee, in this case, the operator will warn you about the cost of this type of service. Ask for the exact address of the residence of the subscriber and not of actual residence (if they don't match), otherwise you can get false information.
Use online search resources such as Enter in the appropriate box the information and click "Search". Be careful when searching phone numbers with the help of other resources - some of these require a mobile phone to send a paid SMS-message. Likely that you'll get wrong information or even you'll be wasting your money.
If you do not find the necessary information in telephone books or learned it from communications providers, use search in social networks or forums. Perhaps among those people who use this mode of communication, there are those who knows the right person and will tell you his phone number.
If you need information about any organization, use of electronic directories or Doublegis Gorodinform. Type in a search query the name of the directory, go to the official website of your desired directory and install the program on your computer. Run it and in the search box, type the known address. The system will give you a phone number that is registered on this address - it will be reliable information.