Men better understand the emotional explanations that you again want to experience all the delights of motherhood. We need to convince them the dry facts. Make a plan for the next few years, which shall describe what will leave you the money, how much you can allocate to the first and second child, how much is left for food, rent, household appliances, entertainment. A good argument for your husband is that you have the account the amount of money that you specifically set aside for the birth of the second child. If you can convince the wife that it is able to raise two kids, it's much quicker to go to you on concessions.
Many men are simply afraid to have a second child. I'm afraid that won't be able to for your decree to feed your family, fear that you do not pay enough attention to them. If the first birth was difficult, the man may be afraid of losing you. To help can just talk heart to heart. Tell your husband that you have a great friends, doctors that help with childbirth, in case of shortage of money you can rent an apartment, you inherited a legacy from her grandmother, promise to pay maximum attention to which you will be able to. Convince a man that together you can overcome any difficulties.
Often remind your husband that you don't just want a second child, you want a child from him. Such recognition will cause the pride of any man.
If you have friends a couple with two children, organize a joint vacation: go on a picnic go to an amusement Park. Let your man make sure that a family with two kids live well and enjoy life. However, you should be sure that your friends do not start to complain how hard it is to raise two, otherwise your spouse will be strengthened in their suspicions about this.
Watch your health. Because the health of the expectant mother is the key to the health of the baby. When the husband will understand that you thoughtfully and consciously the approach to planning the future of the family, he willingly goes to meet you.