You will need
  • a piece of vulcanized rubber;
  • large sandpaper;
  • - fine sandpaper;
  • - rubber cement.
First, you must find in what areas you are pierced or cut my rubber shoes. For this splyusnuta the boots and twist like a twisted tube of toothpaste when it ends. The bottom of the boot down into the water. In place of a puncture or a crack will show air bubbles coming out of it.
To repair rubber boots, you can choose one of the most convenient ways. There are only two: cold and hot. The hot method involves the presence includes vulcanizing press used for production of various rubber products. This method is quite time-consuming, so to use it you are unlikely to succeed. But to fix rubber boots with cold method everyone can do.
Cold repair of rubber footwear does not require any special equipment and high costs. Before attempting to repair, thoroughly clean your boots from dirt, and then thoroughly dry them.
Very carefully cut the ragged patches of rubber so that the edges of the crack or puncture is smooth. Take a large sandpaper and treat it with the edge of the gap. If the damage is in the upper part of boot upper rubber boot, pull the edges of the tear with needle and thread.
Now, when the boots themselves ready to fix, start preparing patches. Cut from vulcanized rubber designed specifically for the repair of rubber products, a piece of the same size as the damaged area of the Shoe. The edges of the patch to treat a large emery paper, making them thinner.
Finished edges on the damaged area of the boot and the patch carefully over the rubber cement. This should be done in two phases with a break of 10 minutes. Fluff the details of gluing for the second time, let them dry for 25 minutes.
Then gently apply the patch on the damaged area of the boot, apply it and gently tap it with a hammer or other heavy object. Allow the glue to dry for two hours.
The final stage of repair of rubber boots is in the processing of edge glued patches with fine emery paper.