You will need
    • long-grain rice;
    • water;
    • pan.
To make rice for crab salad has not turned out sticky and viscous, do not buy short-grain varieties of ricethat produce a lot of starch when cooking. To prepare the salad need long grain ricebecause when cooked, it becomes crumbly and easily mixed with other ingredients. It is desirable to use parboiled rice, which is very friable.
The best way of cooking riceand is a way absorbed. Put in a pan 1 part rinsed riceand 2 parts water. Bring contents of saucepan to a boil over high heat. After boiling, cover pot and reduce heat to low. Cooking riceand this way depends on its type. For example, ordinary long grain rice fully absorb the water for 15 minutes, and steamed rice – for 20-25 minutes. In order not to lose steam while cooking riceand try not to lift the saucepan lid too often to check its readiness. When the rice is cooked, put it under the saucepan lid in a clean tea towel and allow the riceto stand for 20 minutes. This method of cooking the riceand allows you to save the maximum of the contained nutrients.
In the conditions of deficiency of time boiled rice can be prepared by way of boiling. To do this, put desired amount of ricein a pot and fill it with plenty of water. Bring contents of pan to the boil and simmer rice, without covering the pan with a lid. When the rice is soft, drain the water, throw the rice in a colander and rinse it with boiling water. To figure rapidly cooled, additionally rinse it with cold water.