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  • calculator.
A specific feature of increased deviation is that it allows you to escape from certain differences in absolute values. This gives the opportunity to compare such phenomena, absolute values are not comparable.
The relative deviation represents the deviation calculated in relation to other values. Expressed in percentages or ratios. This files most often calculated in relation to any common indicator or parameter. The application of this index in studies increases the level of informativeness of the conducted analysis enables to estimate more accurately the changes.
A General formula can be represented as follows: ∆o = hotch/HB. Its components vary depending on whether the phenomenon is taken to the basis of comparison.
If you want to relate to the same indicator in different periods of time, we expect the pace of growth. It shows how to change the value in the reporting (current) period as compared to its reference level: Tr = x1/x0. If this indicator is expressed as a percentage, we are talking about growth rates: TPR = (x1/x0)*100%.
The relative value of the planned target is a proposed and accepted as a basis for comparing the levels of the same phenomenon. As the base acts actually achieved magnitude characteristic of the phenomenon in the previous period. The calculation formula is: Oits = khpl/HB.
If you are considering the implementation of a given level, then we are talking about the concept of "the plan". In this case, the calculated relative deviation of the actually obtained result from the planned level: OWP = HF/khpl. It shows how many times the obtained value of the phenomenon varies from the planned level of the phenomenon in the same period.