Write at the top of the document "Invoice". Then, check the sequence number of the invoice. In the same line, specify the date of the document.
Print below the "Supplier". On the contrary, check which company is the supplier. In this case, note that in this column you must list the following information about the agent: his full name, mailing address, zip code, phone number, INN and KPP, who was the organization, personal account, settlement account, Bank name and its location, the Bank's BIC and other details (if necessary).
Enter information about the shipper. Write "Shipper." Then enter the following information about the company: full name, postal address (if the legal and actual address of the enterprise diverge, enter 2'), the rooms of the INN and KPP, personal account, settlement account and Bank name, Bank address and BIC, telephone, Fax and other details.
Fill in the required information on the payer. To do this, print the word "Payer", and then select the name of organization, address, its INN, KPP, Bank account, BIC, correspondent account and the name of the payer's Bank, phone.
Enter the details of the consignee. Also write on a new line "Consignee". Next, note the company name, address, INN, KPP, current account, correspondent account, BIC and name of the Bank, and also write down the office phone company.
Write what is the basis for the refundand the product. Here, specify any required document (e.g., agreement) and on what date the document was composed.
Describe the item you want to return with this invoice. Specify the name, quantity and cost. Below is a fully list the total amount for the goods in accordance with their number.
Put the signature of those persons who are managers of the above companies (consignee and shipper). Next, you need to put the print and the date.