But is it really? If you eat high-calorie foods that cause a rise in blood sugar levels – Yes. This type of food will always cause weight increase. But, nevertheless, in some cases, night snacking can be very useful for the body.

Studies have shown that eating low-calorie foods before bedtime may help to improve metabolism and help build muscle. There are also some foods that promote good sleep. This is very important since disruptions of sleep are among the strongest risk factors for obesity. So fans to snack before bedtime can safely recommend the following products:

1. Cheese

Eating cheese helps to build muscle while you sleep. There are a lot of nutrients and at the same time low in calories and fat.

2. Bananas

A great choice for fans of a late night snack. They contain many important nutrients such as potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C and lots of fiber. Green bananas that have not fully matured, there are also a lot of resistant starch. Combined with the fibers, this leads to a feeling of satiety and reduce calorie intake. In addition, bananas are a source of tryptophan – an amino acid that helps produce melatonin – the hormone responsible for healthy sleep.

3. Almonds

A couple of handfuls of almonds is an easy and healthy snack before going to bed. It is rich in several important nutrients, particularly magnesium. Additional intake of magnesium in the body improves quality of sleep, its duration and helps insomnia.

4. Turkey

Turkey meat is relatively low in calories and at the same time, contains high-quality protein. The increase in the number of high-quality protein in the diet is incredibly important for weight loss, as it significantly reduces appetite. In addition, in Turkey, as in bananas, lots of tryptophan that help you sleep faster.

5. Canned tuna

This is a very practical bedtime snack. It has a lot of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. A lack of vitamin D in the body just causes of sleep disorders. Eating 85 grams of canned tuna, you can get 50% your daily need for this vitamin.

6. Cherry

This is one of the fastest and sugary snacks before bed, which improves its quality. Cup of cherries contains only 50 calories. Studies have shown that cherries help in the treatment of insomnia, causing the secretion of melatonin by the body. On the effectiveness of cherry even superior to Valerian.

By eating these 6 foods before bed, you can be absolutely sure about your health.