What you need to do first? To purchase a Mat. It's a personal thing! Personal not even as a cell phone, how toothbrush. Mat "practicing" with you, and will eventually become an integral part of the classroom and faithful assistant in achieving harmony.

A good friend invites you to yoga? Or do you intend to involve in this laudable occupation of a good friend? Not worth the risk: the path of yoga is an individual thing. Be prepared for the fact that people just don't understand your enthusiasm, no offense. On the other hand, do not be afraid to refuse a bosom friend classes using force can damage not only your friendship, but you personally.

Yoga does not tolerate not only hypocrisy, but of negligence. During lessons and concentrate on the exercises. While you are changing one for another "boat Asan, all the problems raging in the world — behind! These are the rules lessons.

Follow them, and bustle of accustomed obediently to hide under the training Mat — at least at the time of the next meeting with yoga. These meetings, notice must be periodic. Whatever the rhythm or dictate your life, what would you choose for yourself — ten minutes a day of meditation morning and evening or half hour exercise two to three times a week — choose continuity. Regular repetition is the key to maximum effect for your efforts. Never miss a workout!

A good reason pass — the same inevitable, periodic, and monthly, that released all the girls of the senior classes from physical education. It is for women.

For both sexes the following recommendations: before beginning practice make sure you consult your doctor take responsibility for their health. Deeply yoga affects all systems of the body, and deal with it, not everyone: there are a number of contraindications.

The best time for classes in the morning, before Breakfast (by complex, pause before eating), or evening. Between food and exercise must be at least three hours.

Start sessions with an experienced coach, and you can protect yourself from unfortunate injuries.

Happy journey to joy and health!