Causes of stress can be different. The first is childbirth. From the familiar and comfortable mother's womb, the baby gets a new and unexpected environment. How to avoid the stressful consequences? Important to a child a mother's love. She, and only she can help him, surrounded by attention, love and care. Talk to the kid it is necessary to have during labor, explaining to him that he was waiting for. So mom distract yourself from the pain and soothes the baby.

Once your child is born, demand that it put you on your stomach. Close contact will calm the baby and affect its proper orientation in the new world. During pregnancy the mother and the child learned to understand each other and contact after birth suggests that a joint test is passed successfully.

Despair, and and as a consequence of stress, occurs in the newborn due to limitation of movement. If the discomfort and lack of understanding of its causes are the mother, the child is nervous. Try to understand your child and help him. To better understand baby, lie down next to and look around. Pay attention to form, light, shadows of surrounding objects and try to find something that scares the baby. Even the jars on the changing table conveniently located for you, may not be in harmony in form and color, causing concern in infants.

Causes of stress can be the background sound, and meet new people. Pay attention to the sounds surrounding the child, try to find annoying. Be careful with the guests. Imagine for a second that you are lying, and you leaning over a few people and you consider. Your feelings?! And no matter what they say sweet words. So, don't let your guests "all at once" acquainted with the new family member. Do it gradually.

If your baby is crying, relax and try to see the world through his eyes. Find the cause of the irritation in your toddler. If the mother will be able to become one with your child, will learn to see the world through his eyes, what a stressful situation it is almost not threatened.