First, before going out into the fresh air should be thoroughly wash with usual means and to apply the cream in a thin layer. It will be absorbed and forms a protective film for the face. Second, if you are not able to wash my face several times a day, you can always grab your favourite facial toner and wipe the face with them during the day. One of these tips will help you maintain your face clean during the day, but the main problem with black dots, unfortunately, they will not solve.

In order to get rid of them, you need to routinely do procedures that contribute to the destruction of the black dots to use scrubs and wipe the face tonic alcohol. Here are a few examples of how improvised it is possible to make an effective mask for the destruction of the black dots.

1. Protein mask

Egg whites whipped to a froth and add a little lemon juice, apply with a cotton ball on the skin and wait until the mask starts to dry. Then, without washing the old layer, apply another and repeat the procedure three more times, after applying the third time to wait for complete drying and to remove from the face this mixture. The skin on your face may dry out a bit, but it's not terrible, just immediately after removing the mask from the face, use a mild fat cream. The result will be greater after a few times, but to apply such a mask can be no more than once a week.

2. Soft scrub for face

Sleeps coffee mix with vegetable oil and light massage movements to put on the face. Coffee clean the skin, and the oil will not dry out the skin. Apply this scrub 2-3 times a week. Sleeps coffee can be replaced with salt or sugar, but be careful, as these ingredients may injure sensitive skin.

3. Lotion for the face with your hands

In the infusion of chamomile tea 0.5 liter add approximately one teaspoon of alcohol. Such infusion is necessary to stand in a dark place for 24 hours, after this time you can apply it on your face with a cotton pad no need to rinse off.

These recipes with proper and regular use will contribute to getting rid of blackheads. Over time, your pores will be tightened and narrowed, and this issue will leave you forever.