By itself the liquid glass is a special solution based on water, with the addition of silicates. These substances are contained in the more usual types of glass. Another name of this material is a silicate clay, and the technology of production is practically the same used in the manufacture of classic glass types.

The main advantage of such unusual varieties of glass are the perfect adhesive properties and relatively low conductivity values that made this glass is often used in the manufacture of insulation. This insulation is able to endure temperature exceeding a thousand degrees, and also a large number of cycles of thawing and freezing.

In recent years, this material was often used as waterproofing. To use this goal it is necessary to impregnate their surfaces such as foundations, walls and ceilings of buildings. The use of such coatings can significantly increase the resistance of these surfaces to the negative phenomena of nature. In the same way use this material and to ensure the waterproofing of wells, and swimming pools.

In addition, water glass can serve as the basis for the manufacture of antiseptic solutions, providing reliable protection to sensitive to mould and fungus materials, such as, for example, wood. However, you should not use such a solution for concrete surfaces in cases where it is planned to continue decorating the room with decorative coatings.

But the use of such material is not only limited to that. It is ideal for tile and linoleum, to eliminate leaks in the pipes, made of cast iron. Even gardeners can use this composition for sealing wounds on trees. This treatment can save the plant, protecting it from infection by bacteria.