Blooms little sun " from early summer to late autumn. This means that as much as 4 months you can use the fresh plant, from which you can obtain great benefit to the beauty of the body. Here are some simple recommendations for regular use:

Step-by-step face care

Purification. 10-15 flowers plants pour 2 cups of milk and brought to boil. The resulting lotion is cooled and filtered. Antiseptic properties can not only efficiently clean the face, still and are a good prevention against the appearance of irritation and acne.

Toning. Purification leads to disruption of the natural acidity of the skin, to restore it helps toning. Take 3 ingredients: calendula flowers, green tea and medicinal chamomile (1 tbsp). The mixture of herbs is poured 200 ml. of water and boiled for 5-7 minutes. The result is an excellent tonic, quickly and effectively soothing irritated skin.

Mask. To make a soothing and nourishing mask, first you need to cook the infusion. Big spoon of calendula flowers is poured into 100 ml. of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. In the infusion is added starch, to obtain a gelatinous mass. The mask should keep for 15-20 minutes.

Cream. To prepare the cream, you need small, to powder, to grind rolled oats and dried calendula flowers. The resulting mixture zaparivat in boiling water so that turned out not thick creamy mass. All the ingredients take 1 tbsp. l.

Calendula - is a real godsend for those whose skin is prone to fat, so any kind of rash on the face. All thanks to carotenoids, which contribute to the formation of vitamin a, A powerful assistant in the fight against inflammatory processes. And regular use of calendula in caring for the body contributes to the emergence of a richer and deeper skin tone.