On the condition of our skin is affected by many factors: lifestyle, stress, diet, sun, tanning, Smoking, drugs, disease, genetic predisposition. It is important to understand what can negatively affect our skin and learn how to properly care for her. 5 simple steps will lead you to flawless skin that you have always dreamed of.

1. Protect it from excessive sunlight

Its excess causes harm to our skin. Frequent sunbathing and the Solarium can provoke a seborrheic keratosis. Excess sun increases the secretion of sebum, formation of acne and pimples increase. Keep in mind that before exposure to the sun you need to use a cream with a filter to protect from UV rays. Preferably also completely abandon the Solarium. It would be helpful to use supplements that regenerate damaged skin.

The use of solar should be accompanied by multiple rules, which protect against any negative consequences to the skin.

1. Avoid sun exposure during the highest intensity (between 11.00 and 14.00).

2. Are not in the sun during and after the therapy, certain medications. This can cause allergic reactions and discoloration of the skin.

3. Avoid the sun, if you have very fair skin or many moles.

4. Remember that the filter starts working in just 30 minutes, so apply it at least 20 minutes before sun exposure.

2. To get rid of acne

On the occurrence of acne is affected by lifestyle, poor nutrition, excess weight, dust and dirt. How to deal with acne is to recover the natural luster and beauty of your skin? First, remember that you will need a gentle cleanser. Wash your face twice a day and make sure that the product does not hurt the skin.

After washing the face be sure to use a tonic against the excessive activities of the sebaceous glands, refreshing the skin. Please note that toner does not contain alcohol. You can also use homemade methods that are very effective. For example, mix a teaspoon of honey with cinnamon. Apply the mixture on the pimple and cover with a bandage overnight.

3. Prevent wrinkles

You think that if you were 20 years, the problem of wrinkles does not concern you? It's the perfect time to act preventively! Even before the appearance of the wrinkles you need to think about the condition of your skin. On the market you can find creams designed for young skin, delaying the appearance of wrinkles and reduce existing ones. Remember, however, that skin problems often begin at the cellular level, where cosmetics are not available. Thus, it is possible to use proven dietary supplements that will enable us to achieve the dream of beautiful skin.

4. Water

The skin healthy, smooth and flawless, she needs to be hydrated! It is not enough to only use cosmetics. It is necessary to provide the proper level of moisture from the inside out! The easiest way is adequate fluid intake. Each of us needs to drink at least 2 litres of water a day. If you thirsty, you'll see the effect on your skin. You can also buy nutritional supplements, which regulate the water balance of the skin, provide deep hydration to all layers of the skin and regenerate cells.

5. Don't forget about the peeling

The removal of dead cells of the outer layer of the epidermis stimulates the production of new. Regular peeling is chosen according to our skin type. It tones the skin tone and improves circulation. Stimulates skin cells and it regenerates faster. If you dream of a flawless complexion, don't forget about regular exfoliation of the skin!

These five steps will help you to achieve the complexion of your dreams.