You will need
  • - book classification;
  • - shelving for books.
Decide which directory you want to create a "paper" or electronic. Each of them has its advantages. Classic catalog more visible, it can be used at any time, even if you have no computer. In the electronic catalogue, in turn, make it easier to insert the various changes, and also it is more convenient to store - takes place only on your computer's hard drive or on external media.

It is also possible to make both versions the same directory.
For paper catalogue, prepare a drawer. It should be an oblong box without a top wall. For the convenience of the cards in the centre is better to fix the metal rod, which will be "threaded" card. For a large catalogue of such boxes should be several.
Start classifying your books. It can be of two types - alphabetical or thematic, for a large library it is best to combine them. For paper catalog collect all the data about the book on a special card. Write down the author, book title, year and place of publication. For nonfiction you can also specify the year of the first edition of this study, and the number of pages in the volume. Also specify the category to which belongs the book on your thematic classification - for example, historical novels, or books on gardening.

For electronic versions of the directory information about the book can be in the form of a table. A suitable Excel file.
Card paper catalog store the catalog in a special box. It is best to distribute them in thematic groups, and already in them - alphabetically. When you purchase a new book make her a separate card and place it in its rightful place in the drawer.