Friendship between a man and a woman sooner or later ends up with one of the parties wants more than an evening heart-to-hearts on the phone. First of all, you should understand: was there sex accidental result of alcoholic party or have some of you woke up feeling stronger than friendship. Think about it, perhaps the time has come to move the relationship to a new level.
Love born out of friendship, has a lot of advantages: not have to meet the parents - his mom has long considered you a daughter, you guy already know the habits and shortcomings of each other and are not afraid to behave naturally at the meeting. Your sexual impulse may be cause to re-look at each other and plunge into the world of mutual courtship and reverent visits. However, there are also disadvantages: you are aware of all his past sexual exploits and ex-girlfriends.
Have the courage and discernment to not panic and not run out of bed in an unknown direction. In any case, you need to have a serious conversation on the topic: "What is it and what to do next?" If you both still have for each other nothing but gentle affection, you can try to translate everything into a joke and forget about the incident.
However, psychologists argue that the sex does not happen friendly. Knowing each other sexually, you will not be able to look at the person without physical interest (especially if the sex brought a lot of positive impressions). Periodically repeat sexual experiment, remaining friends, or declare themselves a pair – you decide two.