The concept of "homonyms"

Homonyms are words that coincide in sound and spelling but differ in lexical meaning and combinability with other words.

Homonyms are divided into complete and incomplete.

Full homonyms coincide in all their grammatical forms. For example: the key (source, spring) — key (for core unlocking); block (building material) — block (sports).

Partial homonyms are not the same in their individual grammatical forms. Examples: bow (weapon) — bow (garden plants). The word "Luk" meaning "plant" has no plural form.

The types of homonyms

In addition to lexical homonyms, there are many similar phenomena. There are the following types of homonyms:

1) homographs — words that have the same spelling but are pronounced quite differently. Examples: lock lock; satin satin; iris, iris; on the street soars the eagle soars;

2) homophones — words pronounced the same but are written completely different. Examples: the company campaign; story — lucky; rinsing — rinsed; tush — tush; guarding — veteran; novel — romance; arson — arson;

3) amofarm — words coincide in some of their forms. Examples: treat the patient, flying in an airplane; a young man — care for a young mother.

Thus, homonymy is a lexical-semantic unit, which serves as a means of creating expressive speech.