What is the antonyms?

The term "antonyms" of Greek origin and translates as "proteome".

Antonyms — words with opposite meaning, expressing it using paradigmatic relations.

Antonyms — this is a very interesting phenomenon of the language, as in human consciousness stored in the form of antonymy pair.

Despite the fact that antonyms are opposed to each other with all their contents, their semantic structure is highly homogeneous. Generally, antonyms are different one of the differential sign.

For example, a pair of antonyms "funny — sad" has a common semantic features (quality, mood) and only one differential (positive and negative mood).

The homogeneity of the semantic structure of antonyms have almost the same compatibility.

Types of antonyms

Allocate 2 types of antonyms:

1) Raznotravie and single rooted.

Single-rooted antonyms typically form bespostavochnymi and platformers words. Examples: the friend — foe; bad — good; to enter, leave; to go — to move.

Raznotravie antonyms are completely different in its external appearance. Examples: stale — fresh; life — death.

2) gradable, nagrebelny and vector antonyms.

Gradable antonyms Express the opposite, which presupposes the existence between the two extreme points of intermediate steps. Examples: genius — talented — gifted — average — mediocre — mediocre; smart — capable — intelligent — intelligent — average abilities — stupid — limited — stupid — stupid.

Agradually antonyms are called concepts, among which there can be intermediate degrees. Examples: true — false, alive — dead; freely — engaged; married or unmarried.

Vector antonyms denote opposite directions of action, characteristics, qualities and properties. Examples: forget to remember; increase — decrease; a supporter of the enemy.