Kardiya may not be engaged in the systematic violation of the diet. The habit of overeating before going to sleep leads to obesity and the weakening of valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus. But that's not the only reason for the development of pathology.
Chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, hypertonicity of the muscles of the esophagus and growing tumors may lead to the development of cardiac insufficiency. In addition, the sphincter does not work when the decrease in motor activity during severe diseases and following bed rest, while grasping hernias, high intra-abdominal pressure that occurs during pregnancy or during the growth of the tumor in the stomach. Heavy exercise also leads to increased intra-abdominal pressure and weakening of the function of the cardia. Resection of the cardiac sphincter occurs of chronic reflux esophagitis.
At the first degree of insufficiency of the cardia remains a residual dehiscence a third diameter. The main symptoms of pathology: frequent belching of air, periodic heartburn. In the second stage kardiya closes only halfway. This provokes a loss of the mucous membrane into the lumen of the pylorus or in the duodenum. May develop acute intestinal obstruction. At the third stage kardiya not linked. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus passes into the chronic stage.
Symptoms at all stages of cardiac insufficiency are manifested in the form of heartburn that occurs, regardless of the meal. Most patients suffer from pain, which is localized behind the breastbone and in the esophagus. Worried about burping air and splashing of acidic stomach contents. Nausea, vomiting, indigestion, rumbling, weakness, headache, fatigue – nonspecific symptoms of cardiac insufficiency.
Prescribes treatment, the doctor-gastroenterologist. We first performed a survey to find out the root reason kardiya not closed or sphincter is compressed completely.
First and foremost, the patient is recommended fractional sparing diet to get rid of excess weight. Of the medicines used prokinetics, antacids, H2 blockers-histamine receptors, proton pump inhibitors.
If a patient follows all recommendations of the doctor, took a course of treatment, but no improvement in 6-12 months, rationally to carry out the operation for restoring the cardia.