You will need
  • concentrated vinegar;
  • - boiled or bottled drinking water;
  • - scoop;
  • - utensils for mixing;
  • - a bottle with a tight lid.
Please note that acetic acid is different concentration. By purchasing a bottle, look on the label information about it. Most often, the sale occurs seventy - and eighty per cents one acid.
Further actions depend on what solution you need. For culinary purposes often use the three percent, six percent, vosmitonny solution. To obtain the desired concentration, calculate how many parts of water will require one part vinegar. Divide the number denoting the percentage of vinegar in the number corresponding to the desired percentage and rounded the resulting number. It will mean the required number of parts of water. For example, to semidesyatiletnego essences to a three-percent vinegar, 70 divide by 3. Will 23,3 – so for making a three-percent vinegar should take 23 parts water to 1 part concentrate semidesyatiletnego.
Dilute the vinegar with cold boiled or bottled drinking water. In a clean bowl pour the right amount of water, add acetic acid and mix. The solution is ready. It can be stored, the overflow into a bottle with a tight-fitting lid or stopper.
If, according to the recipe, you need six percent vinegar, and you have just already diluted three percent, increase the dose by half, for example, adding dish with two teaspoons of three-percent vinegar instead of one six percent.
If you plan to do a vinegar compresses or rubbing, take the three percent or six percent solution. Wiping children a three-percent vinegar can be diluted even more by adding one part solution of water. Soak in a solution of towel and proceed to the grinding. Diluted vinegar relieves fever and soothes headaches.