Sources of glycine

The main food sources of glycine – any products with a high content of protein, meat, fish, milk, eggs, beans and cheese. Also the glycine enters the human body when taken various supplements. It is worth noting that an excellent source of glycine are brewer's yeast, which has certain useful properties for health.

Glycine than healthy

Glycine works as an inhibitory neurotransmitter and, hence, works well in the treatment of various diseases such as epilepsy, bipolar depression, hyperactivity. Some studies have shown that the amino acid glycine reduces the appearance of asthma attacks. According to studies conducted on rats, it was shown that glycine may slow tumor growth by blocking the formation of new blood vessels that feed these tumors. Glycine useful in the treatment of anxiety, depression and insomnia, as it has neuro-inhibitory properties. It also provides the right level of glucose in the body, helping to alleviate the lethargy and apathy that often provoke a depressive disorder.

Supplementation based on glycine reduces back pain. Nutritional supplements of amino acids help the muscles to grow, they are widely used by athletes, bodybuilders. Optimal time to take vitamins, based on the amino acids after a workout, when the muscles can effortlessly absorb the nutrients. The correct dose of glycine regulate blood sugar levels, thus ensuring a healthy metabolism. Glycine has antacid effect, which has a good effect on the digestive system. Glycine also helps the liver remove toxins from the body. It promotes the synthesis of collagen, and therefore can help maintain healthy skin and to stop the possible dermatological diseases.

Probable side effects

Like most different additives, glycine has some side effects when used. It can cause nausea, vomiting, mild drowsiness, difficulties with digestion. In combination with other medications, glycine can cause skin rash, swelling of the mouth, itching, difficulty swallowing and breathing problems. Glycine should not be taken by pregnant or nursing women, and people suffering from chronic diseases and undergoing treatment.