The placenta is a temporary body and delivers oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. It is an exchange of blood between mother and child. The thickness of the placenta up to 37 weeks of gestation corresponds to the period in weeks. So, at 20 weeks its thickness of 20 mm and 25 mm. 25 To 37 weeks, her growth stops, and the thickness reaches the maximum values – 33, 75 mm. at the time of birth, the placenta can be somewhat thin, which is the norm.

The main causes hyperplasia of the placenta

Infectious diseases of the genital organs, such as chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, STD, particularly syphilis, and infectious diseases the other organs are more likely to cause hyperplasia of the placenta. In a state of ill health the body can not control the correct formation of the placenta, the capillaries are arranged randomly, a piece of fabric sklerosiruta, in response to this, there are new capillaries. In the end, the blood circulation slows down. In patients with diabetes mellitus, impaired synthesis of hormones, in particular insulin, which is responsible not only for carbohydrate metabolism, but also performs many other important tasks are inhibited placental enzymes, in response to this existing capillaries dilate, which causes the hyperplasia.

The diagnosis of hyperplasia of the placenta usually put during the second ultrasound at 18-23 weeks of pregnancy. The doctor sees thickening of the placenta and expansion majorsince space. The latter is compensatory, to ensure the normal nutrition of the fetus. If the fetus is lagging behind in development, the obstetrician will prescribe a treatment that will improve blood circulation in the placenta and the baby is born completely healthy. A woman must be seen by a midwife and do diagnostic ultrasound 2-3 times a month or weekly. This allows you to control the situation.

What is dangerous hyperplasia of the placenta

Often with hyperplasia of the placenta, the baby lacks oxygen and nutrients. At moderate hyperplasia natural childbirth possible, when pronounced, the child is too weak to be born on their own. These children are born with low birth weight, malnutrition, manifestations of hypoxia. Modern medicine is able to provide them with adequate assistance, but the risks of some complications persist for about a year.

Almost all pregnant women with hyperplasia of the placenta is observed fetoplacental insufficiency (NEF). This condition can not be cured, but can be compensated by taking special drugs that improve blood circulation in the placenta. Intrauterine growth restriction (GCR) of the fetus is the consequence of placental insufficiency and occurs only when pronounced FPN. The extent of gold reserves is also different. At the appointed time the treatment of children born with deficiency of body weight, but in the course of the year catching up with peers in development.

Oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios of different degrees diagnosed more than half of the women with hyperplasia of the placenta. Both conditions may be unsafe to the fetus. With the pronounced water scarcity is observed curvature of bones, fusion of the parts of the body. Polyhydramnios in this respect are less dangerous, but can trigger other pregnancy complications, such as leakage of water or premature birth.

Intrauterine fetal death due to hyperplasia of the placenta is extremely rare, mostly in women who refused treatment. Threat itself is not hyperplasia, and complications that entails thickening of the placenta. Timely treatment allows you to fully or partially compensate for the lack of nutrients. Children are born healthy, if there were other reasons that could cause fetal abnormalities.