In psychology, the dependence on mobile devices, and cellular communication call nomophobia. The term emerged relatively recently. It stands for no mobile phobia. With this concept the specialists can describe the condition of the person who left the machine at home, lost it, and forgot to immediately put money into the account, to recharge the battery or be in a place where there is no cell phone service. Nomophobia is characterized by growing anxiety, sometimes passing into a panic due to the inability to call someone close to you, and also because of the understanding that they will fail to reach you.
British psychologists have identified three kinds of cellular subscribers. The first type is "unbound", that is, people who can live with a phone without it. For them the camera is just a means of communication. "Prosthetic" in the absence of a phone feel some anxiety, however in principle able to do without a cell phone. "Cyborgs" are, in turn, can not imagine my life without a cell phone, and therefore do not part with it ever.
To once and forever get rid of annoying habits not to be separated from your phone, you first need to honestly admit that you really became addicted. Then should make clear the time during which you won't touch the cell phone. Let your conversation lasts no more than 8-10 minutes - this time will be enough to discuss any issue. If the conversation promises to be a long, invite the interlocutor to discuss your question in person.
Reduce the number of messages sent from a mobile phone. Ideal - no more than 8-10 SMS per day. Place camera cellular home when you go out for a walk with the dog or at the grocery store. During this time, the world will not collapse, and you won't be tempted to send SMS or make another unnecessary call.
At home try to put the phone in any certain place and not carry it with you around the apartment. The night to part with him, do not put it under the pillow. Determine the exact limit of cash that can be spent on communicating on the mobile phone, and strictly stick to it.
SIM card move to your first device, if it's still there, or ask family/friends simple phone with a primitive set of games, no camera, Internet and MDE player. Walk around with such a device, at least one week. It is possible that you will feel an information vacuum, but don't give up! You can fill out and read a book. Read it in the moment when you once again "pull" view site pages or play games on your phone.
You can also apply more stringent method of dealing with their addiction is to turn off your cell phone for a day. This time spend with advantage - for example, go for a walk with the child on a visit to the movie or the theater. If you will be able to withstand such a test, then your situation is not hopeless.
If these methods do not help, you can resort to a more radical way. Take a vacation to a place where there are problems with cellular communication. It can be a forest, mountains, a house with his grandmother in the village or a foreign resort, where you can go to a big minus with frequent communication by cell phone. So you get used to the fact that your phone is always at your fingertips, but it is completely useless. If it's really bad, consult a professional psychologist. Do not be shy. The important thing is that you can feel like a human being, free from addiction.