You will need
  • - the results of EGE on Russian language, mathematics;
  • the results of the Olympic games;
  • - successful passing of examinations and tests, final exams;
  • - the thesis defense.
From 1 September 2011, the Russian Federation launched the last stage of joining the Bologna process, according to which the universities adopted a two-tier system of education and have stopped recruiting for a program specialist, and approved 4-year baccalaureate education and the subsequent 2-year master's degree. The bachelor and master's degrees are considered research degrees and specialist professional qualifications.
The positive side of the bachelor is that the diploma can be obtained much faster. In addition, those young people who are going to seek employment abroad, to place is much easier, because European employers consider a bachelor as a human who is able to cope well with their duties, and specialist as owning a profession.
In order to enroll in the training program of a bachelor degree, you need to write the exam in Russian language and mathematics and subject of choice, then bring the results to the admissions office of the chosen educational institution. Also universities accept the results of the Olympic games for the winners.
In the next step you need to decide on a specialty that interests you, and learning. There are following forms of education: full-time, part-time, correspondence, distance.
Classroom training is a natural extension of school education with daily attendance. If you have no plans associated with the work, choose the hospital.
Distance learning, which combines the features of self-study and classroom study, for those who combine study and work. Keep in mind that if you are enrolled in the correspondence, you have to learn for 1 year longer.
Part-time (evening) form is that a student combining work and study, works all day and attends classes in shifts, in the evening. If you decide to opt for this form, you should know that this training is for independent and responsible people, who can face difficulties and lack of time.
Also, consider receiving an education using distance technologies when the interaction of the teacher and students occurs at a distance using Internet technologies.
If you do not have enough exam scores for admission on a budget, do not worry: you can get education on a commercial basis with reimbursement of training costs.
After 4 years of training for which you will need to pass exams and tests, write term papers, to defend a thesis and pass the final exam, you will be able to get the coveted bachelor's degree.