You will need
  • - Golden mustache;
  • - 70% alcohol.
To prepare the tincture of Golden mustache , take a process with a length of 10-15 cm, grind it and pour half a liter of 70% alcohol. Leave for 10-14 days in a dark place at room temperature, shaking occasionally. At the expiration of the fixed term strain. For external use use concentrated tincture, for internal — diluted with water in proportion 1:1.
To improve vision take alcohol tincture Golden mustache tablespoon three times a day. Continue the treatment until, until the end of 0.5 liters of this folk remedy.
For the treatment of gynecological tumors such as fibroma and myoma of uterus, ovarian cysts etc., take Golden mustache on alcohol half an hour before meals (morning — fasting). Dilute 10 drops of tincture in 100 ml of cool water and drink the liquid in one gulp. In the evening repeat the procedure. The next day, increase the number of drops of medication into one and drink it in the same pattern as the day before. Gradually increase the dosage up to 35 drops per reception, and then begin to gradually reduce the concentration of the tincture in water (daily take one drop up to the original dose). The entire course of treatment is 50 days. Make a week break and re-treatment. After two courses pass the control tests. Despite positive dynamics guide the treatment 2-3 more times. As a rule, after the tumors significantly reduced in size, and sometimes completely resolve.
For the treatment of sciatica and diseases of joints, drink a tablespoon of tincture of an hour before Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Continue therapy for one to two weeks. To enhance the effect, RUB the sore spots of concentrated tincture. At night take a hot compress: soak tincture Golden mustache gauze and apply it to the affected area. On top of the gauze wrap with plastic and tie a scarf.