You will need
  • - a place for delivery;
  • the blanket and the mattress;
  • - cut rag or diaper;
  • - room thermometer
  • - an additional heat source;
  • - colored ribbons for puppies;
  • - the minimum set of medicines and tools.
It is advisable to pre-arrange with your veterinarian for assistance in childbirth. Most pugs give birth without problems, but in difficult cases, a vet will always help. Or just with your hands or by using medicines, or by applying a caesarean section.
Prepare in advance a place for childbirth, better on hills. It can be a chair. You also need to prepare an incubator for puppies - a box with a mattress and blanket.
If the room is cool, use a heating pad. For future puppies ready colored ribbons to remember who is in what sequence was born.
The approach of childbirth in a pug can be identified by lowered stomach, frequent urination and lowering the temperature by one degree compared with conventional. In addition, some pugs can refuse to eat.
Because labor can be painful, the dog's breathing, she may tremble or whine. Period of contractions to the birth itself may take from 12 to 24 hours. All this time, you need to be near the pet.
If labor and painted there is no selection, and the health of the dog is generally good, then everything is as it should be. Actually the beginning of childbirth should be regarded as the first fight or the appearance of the dog dark, bottle-green discharge.
In the period of delivery attempts and the best is the supine position for birth because the abdominal muscles improves the contraction of the uterus, and fruits are expelled faster. After more attempts are frequent when the belly becomes hard, there is the puppy.
The most favorable position of birth of the puppy head-first. However, there are cases when puppies are born hind feet first, but this does not mean that the presentation was wrong.
You will see an amniotic bubble that dog sometimes breaks language. Then there is the fruit entirely or partially coated bubble. Born the puppy is connected with the placenta by the umbilical cord, the mother gnaws.
If the dog chews through the cord, she needs help, especially when the bubble closes the puppy face. In this case, it is necessary to remove from the nostrils of a puppy membrane and fingers to flip the umbilical cord, cutting it to use it no need. The open should be done in four inches from the navel and immediately returning the puppy to the mother.
In between appearances on light puppy animal rests from several minutes to several hours. With each new puppy these intervals, as a rule, be reduced, but no pattern here.