The causative agent of the disease is hemolytic Streptococcus group A. the entry of infection are the skin and mucous membranes. The possible introduction of the pathogen through the blood of chronic foci of infection (carious teeth, tonsils, sinuses).
Risk factors for the occurrence of erysipelas is any inflammation of the skin (surgery, trauma), venous leg ulcers due to chronic diseases (diabetes, immunodeficiency, stasis dermatitis). Also equally important is the violation of the integrity of the skin with rashes, scratching and fading, stresses and temperature changes.
The incubation period for the face lasts from several hours to 5 days. The disease begins acutely with a sudden rise of temperature to 40 degrees, chills and headache. In the first day there is swelling, itching, tightness and soreness of the affected area of the skin. Then there is a small area of redness that increases rapidly.
The most common form of faces - erythematous. If the inflammation is localized on the face, a piece of symmetrical redness, may spread to the cheeks and the lateral surface of the nose and thus to resemble the shape of a butterfly. With the localization the extremities erythema rises above the healthy skin, it is a uniform red color and clear boundaries.
There are erythematous-bullous form of the disease - on the site of redness for 2-3 day of the disease starts to peel off the epidermis, and formed bubbles with serous contents. After opening the bubbles form a crust or erosion with subsequent transition to the sores. When erythematous-hemorrhagic form of the disease on the background of redness formed foci of hemorrhage in the affected areas of skin. Bullous-hemorrhagic form bubbles filled with bloody content.
For the prevention of erysipelas is recommended to avoid chafing on the legs, time to treat the disease caused by Streptococcus (e.g., sore throat). If relapses occur more than 3 times a year, it indicates the Association of the faces with concomitant diseases. In such cases it is necessary to identify a chronic source of infection and to reorganize it.
Prognosis is usually favorable, in rare cases with very frequent exacerbations occurring elephantiasis, which is a hindrance in work and in everyday life. Medication is prescribed by a doctor, usually used antibiotics, physiotherapy and laser treatment.