General information about sarcoma

Malignant soft tissue tumors account for only 1% of malignant neoplasms. In men, the disease happens more often than in women. The majority of persons according to statistics, suffering from sarcoma is people 30 to 60 years. Other characteristic features of the area on the planet is not detected.

Sarcoma most often affects the hip and looks like a rounded knot of white and yellow-gray color with a rough or smooth surface. The tumor often occurs in the deeper layers of the muscles, but the growth of sarcoma manifests itself on the surface of the body.

Treatment of sarcoma of thigh

Sarcoma of the thigh is divided into two types – primary and secondary. Primary develops from the tissues of the upper part of the legs, and secondary – from other affected areas.

Sarcoma is treated comprehensively, using local excision of the tumor, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Surgery is a radical treatment is resorted to only in extreme cases. This removes the intermuscular tumor and surrounding areas of muscles. If sarcoma grows in the bone or blood vessels, surgical intervention does not help, apply the amputation of limbs to prevent further spread.

According to statistics, the chemotherapy helped to achieve the result of recovery within five years, 70-80% of patients with sarcoma of the thigh.

What to do?


1. the emergence and growth of tumors on the thigh;

2. the limitation of the tumor;

3. the appearance of the tumor, which grows from the deeper layers of soft tissue;

4. the occurrence of swelling at the site of injury after a period of from two weeks to 2-3 years.

These symptoms are a sure sign of the occurrence of sarcoma, which, in turn, may result from injury, heredity, virus, or chemical exposure. If you notice signs should immediately seek the advice of a doctor.

Diagnosis is made by biopsy, so the diagnosis is clearer. In General, the treatment of sarcoma is different depending on the degree of overgrowth and neglect of the disease. If you apply at the first sign, it is often possible to avoid serious interference. But if the sarcoma has already metastasized and spread, the treatment can be long, heavy and there is a possibility that ends with the amputation in rare cases.

So you should immediately at the first sign of problems to consult a specialist for advice.