For perennial and annual timber cropping appear saw cut or cuts which open gate for different kinds of fungal diseases. These diseases are spread by means of spores, by the wind. To make the fungus less likely to fell the tree, saw cut needs to be performed efficiently and according to all rules. The tool must be very sharp, give them a saw cut and cuts smooth. Lagging bark and a rough, uneven surface is a favorable field for the development of various fungal infections. If the saw cut turned out rough, it is possible to make amends and clean sharp garden knife.
Treat cuts immediately after their application, hiding various substances. Opinions about how to handle cuts better, differ from different experienced growers. It is sometimes recommended to use the soil from the roots of the tree, oil paint, garden var. In any case, the best indicators for absence fungal infections are the trees, processing and putty wounds which produce immediately after the saw cut was made. The treatment of wounds, cutting and sawing off trees need to spend in the early spring or in early summer. If the wound or cut the tree obtained in late summer, fall or winter, roughly treated, and cover with pitch temporarily by removing the broken parts. Putty is needed to protect the tree from drying out, oxidation of the wounds air and from frost in winter.
Spring are roughly treated wounds subjected to treatment again, paying attention to their purity. Therefore it is impossible to perform machining of saw cut with a dirty tool, with unwashed hands. If the tree releases at the end of the juice that attracts insects, before the wound to cover, need to rinse it out of the heads under running water. If you cut a branch or piece of wood rot, it is possible to take more radical measures for disinfection with the hope to save the rest. These types of disinfection to destroy a certain number of living cells worsen and lengthen the healing time of the cut, but in case of defeat of wood rot only disinfection may give a guarantee for the salvation of the tree. Disinfect in this case, iron sulphate, 10% concentration or copper at a concentration of 5%. Tool and wash your hands with soap and then rubbed with Cologne, alcohol or vodka before and after the operation not to transfer the infection further.
Seasonal standard saw cut and pruning do not require such precautions. Most importantly, to keep the wound clean, promptly removing pieces of bark and carefully concealing the cuts and cracks. You can use any paint, which not harmful for living wood oil, gasoline or kerosene. Paints containing such mineral oil penetrates deeply into the layers of wood, the wound is long does not heal and may form a hollow, whereupon it will need a scrubbing with disinfection of wood.