Transplant sansevieria need often enough. Being in good conditions, it will grow fast enough, constantly forming daughter rosettes. Its roots grow more horizontally than deep, so the pot need shallow, wide. The powerful roots of sansevieria at the lack of attention to the timely transplanting and division outlets can easily crack even a clay pot, not plastic. The plant is very undemanding and will grow in any conditions. The best time to transplant is early spring, when sansevera has not yet entered the phase of active growth. But to ruin his untimely transplantation is unlikely to succeed, so that to divide and repot sanseviero at any time of the year.
To soil sansevieria also undemanding and will grow in any soil. But for good growth and fast reproduction it is best to take nutritious soil for dekorativnolistvennyh plants and mix it one-third with sand. Be sure to drain the pot of the Gulf of sansevieria reacts worst of all, since it belongs to the succulent plants and are used to store moisture for future use. Before you repot this plant, it is best not to water it for about a week to make the work easier and reduce trauma to the root. When you can take the pot even wider than it was, but you can just split all the sockets and seat them separately.
In preparation for the transplant you need spread out on a table or on the floor of the newspaper, paper or plastic to the soil is not spread around the home, and it was easier to cross back into the pot. Placing the pot pre-dried during the week with sansevieria about the center, you can begin transplanting. A rosette of leaves held gently, holding his hand, not separating possibly the sheets, as it can hurt them. Gently pulling the socket up out of the pot, tip the pot simultaneously over the surface and remove the plant. If sansevieria not turn over for a long time and its roots covered earthen room in the pot completely, remove the plant can be difficult. In this case, put the pot on its side and, being careful not to split it, tapped the walls, separating the roots. If this manipulation does not help, a narrow plate like a line or knife is passed between the walls of the pot and a clod of earth around the perimeter. Roots that have grown through the drainage hole, often have to cut.
When the plant is extracted with a sharp knife separate rosettes from each other, connecting them cutting the thick root. Cut places decontaminate charcoal. In a new pot the bottom is filled with drainage - it could be coal, gravel or expanded clay balls. For drainage fill soil layer is not less than 1 cm Then put sansevieria, focusing on the center, and covered with soil the space around. After that, the plants watered and put in a permanent place. After working with a connection a must to wash your hands, as sansevieria poisonous.