The value of meat for pregnant women

A woman during pregnancy requires a lot of strength and energy. It is necessary not only to bear a healthy child, but "work" during childbirth. That is why the product that you want to include in the diet of every future mom is meat. Meat is a source of not only protein but also b vitamins, zinc and iron. It should say that in the meat contained amino acids and vitamins responsible for the proper circulation of blood in the body of the fetus.

What meat to choose?

During pregnancy it is important to diversify the diet. Future mummies useful beef, pork, poultry, mutton, do not forget about fish. Experts believe that the diet of the pregnant must be lamb, Turkey and beef.
As the taste preferences of the expectant mother are constantly changing, so food does not get bored, it is recommended to vary the cooking methods. Meat can be boiled, broiled and baked. The most useful is the steaming and roasting in the oven. Frying is better to refuse, the extra fat can cause heartburn.

While carrying the baby it is necessary to remove from the menu the sausages. Natural meat in their composition low, but the fat, spices and preservatives a lot. Useful properties are not, and the damage of the digestive system pregnant they can cause.

What amount of meat should pregnant

Nutritionists say that the daily ration of meat in the diet of the pregnant must be 100-150 g. one Hundred grams is the minimum amount of protein that every day should consume an expectant mother. Half of this amount should be animal proteins. Such rules apply to those women who experience severe morning sickness and have difficulty eating a lot. In the second half of gestation the baby's portion of meat may increase. During pregnancy in any case it is impossible to completely give up meat, as animal protein necessary for the formation of muscle mass in the baby.

On the ninth month of pregnancy a woman needs little to limit yourself in the consumption of meat. This will help facilitate the digestive system. Baby is quite big and is putting strong pressure on the stomach and intestines. Whereby a woman may suffer from constipation, and severe food in the form of meat will only complicate the situation. Therefore, in the ninth month of pregnancy to exclude from the diet all smoked products, meat only eat boiled and soups based on meat broth to replace vegetable or dairy.