You will need
  • - yeast;
  • - milk (olive oil or hydrogen peroxide);
  • - med;
  • - alcohol;
  • - mineral water;
  • - almond or olive oil.
The most effective and popular method of struggle against mimic and age wrinkles today is Botox injections. Under the action of this drug relaxes the muscles of the face, after the injection not only eliminates wrinkles, but also restores the cells of the epidermis. The effect of such treatments lasts for about six months. But in the pursuit of perfectly equal skin do not forget about their own health, as the procedure has its contraindications. Therefore it is useful to consult a specialist to avoid possible complications.
Homemade yeast mask is rich in b vitamins, it will help straighten the wrinkles between the eyebrows, enhances the metabolic processes and blood circulation, cleans the pores and removes sagging. This mask is recommended for smoothing wrinkles on the skin of any type. Mix fifteen grams of yeast in a little warm milk (for normal skin types, owners of dry skin should use olive oil, ladies with oily skin is better to take hydrogen peroxide 3%). Apply several coats of the mixture on the problem area, leave on for twenty minutes. Then rinse off with warm water. The rate of suppression of glabellar wrinkles is twenty masks. After that, the wrinkles smoothed, the main thing – to monitor their own facial expressions.
Smoothing effect has a natural homemade face mask based on honey. Melt in a water bath hundred grams of honey (honey when heated, loses its beneficial properties, so be careful that the temperature did not exceed forty degrees), add two tablespoons of alcohol and water. Mix well all ingredients and apply the resulting composition on the area glabellar folds, leave on for ten minutes, wash with cool mineral water. Repeat this procedure every other day.
Do not forget about the massage, which will allow to cope with the wrinkles between the eyebrows. It should perform daily at home and personally. Technique of massage the following: alternately postukivanie the index and middle finger at problem areas along the lines and in the direction of the eyebrows for five minutes. Before that, you can lubricate the skin in the massage warm olive or almond oil. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed.