Treatment of alcohol dependence

Since alcoholism has become one of the biggest social problems in the world, he is the subject of numerous studies, which lead to the discovery of effective ways to get rid of this disease.

If you don't know how to choose a treatment program for alcoholism, you must understand the rigid rules of choice does not exist. No one will be able to say with certainty about what's best for the alcoholic, it all depends on the degree of addiction, as well as the individual characteristics and needs of the person.

To decide on the method of dealing with addiction, get you better acquainted with some of the most effective psychological programs for the treatment of alcoholism.

The group Alcoholics Anonymous is probably the best known and most effective method of treatment for substance abuse.

Motivational therapy is also quite useful in dealing with alcohol addicted. This type of treatment, usually carried out by a qualified psychologist and is aimed at finding together with the patient the most motivating reasons to quit drinking.

Behavioral therapy - this type of therapy focuses on finding the causes of disease and developing joint methods of struggle with it.

In addition, the psychological programs include conspiracies, hypnosis, prayer, and coding.


The most effective treatments for alcohol dependence

In addition to psychological methods of eliminating alcohol addiction, there are physical. These include drug therapy. The patient is given oral medications, which can be divided into three groups. The first group includes tools that facilitate alcohol withdrawal (abstinence) syndrome. It can be "my periodic sharpening", "Body" or even ordinary aspirin and paracetamol. However, the intake of these drugs helps to fight alcoholism, but only takes a morning hangover, and the evening one is able again to drink alcohol.

Drugs of the second group is specially designed to remove the rod to alkogolesoderzhaschey product. Among the Russian meds are "Proproten-100", but it was often used not for treatment of addiction, and the withdrawal of a person from binge.

The most effective are drugs that cause alcohol intolerance. It can be drugs such as "Esperal", "Disulfiram", "Lievin" or "MCPFE". Often after taking these drugs, people consume alcohol, it begins to initiate discomfort, he develops nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

In addition to using psychological or physical method of struggle against alcoholism, physicians practice and integrated treatment in a hospital, including procedures, eliminating physical dependence, and psychological impact on the patient. Such treatment can lead to full refusal of alcohol, but it takes a few months.