Round bouquet. This form always looks exquisite, and the bouquet is small in size. This option is more suited for petite girls. Bouquets usually composed of roses, their buds are tight to each other, thereby creating the effect of fluffy clouds in his hands.

Bouquet in the shape of a ball. Represents a frame on which are fixed the flowers. This accessory takes the bride tied a ribbon or chain.

Biedermeier. The name of the bouquet was in honor of Austrian and German art in the 19th century. The flowers in this composition are arranged in rings.

Structural bouquet. It consists of several levels of different flowers and leaves. Such a composition will be ideal for the dress custom fit.

Cascade. Made in the form of a waterfall of flowers. Flowers are taken with flexible stems and long legs. Such a composition is meant for tall girls.

Vertical bouquet. Made of flowers with flexible stems has a clear shape. Vertical bouquets are combined with straight wedding dresses.

Fan. The flowers are fixed on a special frame, which is sold in this form. Everyone will be pleasantly surprised by your choice.

Glameliya. Original bouquet. It looks expensive and creative, but the special expense is not required. The bulk composition of the petals and Camellia gladiolus, flowers are fixed on the frame with glue.

No matter which you select a bouquet. The main thing that it liked you and combined with your way. First choose the dress, then accessories, then a wedding bouquet.