What is EQ

As practice shows, people showing average or even below average intelligence often achieve much greater heights in life than of recognized "geniuses".

This is due primarily to the fact that to achieve success it is important not only the mind but also such qualities as ability to communicate and cope with life's difficulties without losing optimism and presence of mind, ability to understand themselves and their desires, be happy with what you have, and without regret, to part with what prevents to move on.

All this has no direct relationship to the intellectual sphere, but lies rather in the sphere of feelings and emotions. The combination of these qualities and abilities called emotional intelligence. Modern science defines it as the ability to recognize your emotions and be able to manage them.

How to develop emotional intelligence

Like any quality given to man by nature, emotional intelligence can and should develop. Of course, the "source data" all people are different: they depend on heredity, upbringing, and style of family relations. Also important is the life experience of each individual: if from childhood a person has to overcome difficulties, to make decisions, then he is more able to control their emotional impulses.

But to develop your emotional intelligence perhaps coming consciously to the process.

  1. First we need to recognize that your level of emotional intelligence is not high enough. Tell yourself that sometimes your emotions fail you, and because of this, problems in relationships, with health, in a word, it prevents to live and enjoy life. So, it's time to engage their emotions.
  2. The next step will be to study their emotions. Try for some time to write down what events have triggered in you an emotional response. Gradually you will learn to understand the connection of their emotions with life situations, will see their strong and weak points.
  3. Improve your powers of observation and intuition. Master the skill of "active listening": respond to the interlocutor's speech, check – it will help to gain a better understanding of people. Master the skills of reading other people's facial expression, posture, gestures is a fascinating and useful employment.
  4. Be aware of their emotions. Each time, experiencing a feeling, consider what you feel and why. Learn how to consciously evoke emotion – practice, you will realize that you can do that quite easily.
  5. Whenever experiencing frustration and other negative feelings, begin to mentally look for the pros in this situation, a good argument the positive impact of this event on your life. Think of every failure 10 reasons why something did not happen. So you learn not to let negative feelings get the better of you.