You will need
  • - warmer;
  • Sol;
  • - chamomile, nettle or renal collecting;
  • - juice of potato, pumpkin or birch.
In acute inflammation of the kidneys, observe for possible bed rest. On the lower back apply a warm heating pad or the heated salt in the bag. Wrap the lower half of the abdomen woolen scarf. For the treatment of pyelonephritis, use of hand sanitizer, but be sure to combine them with diuretic herbs or drinks that enhance the filtration ability of the kidneys, thereby reducing their excretory function. During treatment, do not forget about diet.
As anti-inflammatory drugs use a variety of herbal teas. The most affordable and easy to prepare is chamomile. Steep 2 tbsp. of plants Cup of boiling water, wrap or cover with a tea towel, and use in the form of heat every hour. Alternate chamomile with other equally useful herbs or charges, for example, kidney (it can be purchased in the pharmacy). It combines herbs possessing anti-inflammatory and diuretic.
In addition to herbal concoctions to eliminate inflammation of the kidneys drink (in season) fresh birch juice (1 glass 3 times a day on an empty stomach), raw potato juice (0.5 cups in the morning on an empty stomach), pumpkin juice (half a Cup 1 time a day) and cranberry, cranberry fruit drinks and dried fruit compote.
In diet stick to vegetarian food, mostly without heat treatment. Include in the diet of gooseberries, sea buckthorn, strawberry, grapes, cranberries and cranberry. In season, eat lots of watermelons. Eat every day a few sweet apples. Eliminate all alcohol (of any kind), sour drinks as well as canned, pickled, spicy, fatty and fried foods.
To reduce the risk of re-inflammation of the kidneys do not forget about the cause of the disease. And it may be in infections of the urinary organs, chronic tonsillitis and even cavities.