Priceless experience

Before you contact a floristry school or look for courses in this art, try to get an apprentice to a well-known florist or just the Pro shop. Work in this position at least six months, after this period, you will understand whether you are interested in flowers at all, since this profession requires investments of labor and time. Besides, after working as an apprentice, you will learn the names of plants and flowers, the types and styles of songs and will get a lot of other useful information that will help you in class at school of floristry.

Get ready for black work. The apprentice or even a certified florist without experience no one will make garlands, bouquets and wedding decorations. From the beginning, you will have to prune the flowers, washing vases, sweeping the floor. Most likely, you will gradually attract to work with flowers. The most well-known florists have been through this stage, allowing them to gain invaluable experience. By the way, be prepared to pay you will initially be quite small.

Learn from the best

Don't be afraid to copy someone else's bouquets. Books on flora consist mainly of illustrations, useful information in them very much. By studying photographs and drawings, try to repeat you are interested in bouquets. There is nothing wrong with such student repetition, it will allow you to bring your skill in making compositions until automaticity. Keep in mind that books on flower arranging Russian language is almost not publish, so we'll have to search for them online and order from abroad.

Do not attach much importance to the symbolism of flowers. Of course, with this information - a significant plus, but in the modern world flowery language is deprecated. So when you order we must not focus on the symbolic meanings of flowers, and the wishes of the client. Make such compositions that will arouse your customer's positive emotions, even if to create the bouquet you used flowers symbolizing sadness or sadness.

Visit the flower show as often as possible. Do not spare money for the international floral exhibition. There you can see new techniques, concepts and colors. They can creatively reinterpret and to use in his work. A good florist always looking for new ideas to amaze their customers.