Discomfort in the joints are familiar to some teenagers. According to medical statistics, nearly 5% of high school students complain of sore joints. Why this happens, the reasons why teenagers can hurt the joints? In some cases, joint pain arises as a natural consequence of rapid growth and hormonal changes of the body during adolescence. Usually these pains occur at night and disappear pretty fast. They are not accompanied by any other symptoms, such as swelling. In this case, when the x-ray of the joints shows no abnormalities. In such situations, the teenager and his parents just have to wait, because over time the joint pain will stop. If the pain is severe, the doctor to take painkillers.
However, not always the causes of pain are harmless. For example, the joints may ache due to inflammatory processes (arthritis). Untreated until the end of the sore throat can give complication in the form of rheumatoid arthritis. It happens also that the cause of the pain lies in degenerative changes in the tissues of the joint (osteoarthritis).
Some teenage boys found disease Osgood-Schlatter is an inflammation of the head of the tibia. As a result, the child experiences sharp pain in the knee during exercise, e.g. running, jumping, squats. The treatment of this disease involves drug therapy and physiotherapy to reduce pain, as well as in a reasonable dosage of stress on the foot. Usually within 12-24 months it all goes away.
The joint may be sore because of myositis (muscle inflammation), osteomyelitis. The most dangerous situation, when the cause of the pain lies in the development of a malignant tumor of the bone. Since correct diagnosis can only specialist, it is better not to risk and to be examined by orthopedist-traumatologist. Also, do not self-medicate.
How to treat sore joints a teenager? Joints treatment depends on the diagnosis and extent of disease development. Therefore, when pain, it is primarily necessary to consult a doctor. Along with medication, the teenager can prescribe massage, warm up, handling problem areas with the help of UHF-therapy. Under these procedures, exposures are not only the joint and its surrounding tissue, which improves metabolic processes in the joint.