Prior training

Youtube receives significant advertising revenues, and a portion of the profits he is willing to share with those who create interesting video. The service itself is interested in the support of popular users, because the more hits score a particular video, the more it will cost and advertising space.

Since significant parameters are the number of subscribers and channel views per video, you will need to choose your channel topic, which, on the one hand, sufficient to attract the interest of the audience, and with another – will not get lost among the competitors. For example, game reviews have become so popular that YouTube is literally overrun with such videos.

Once you have decided, you need to register on Youtube and create a channel. Here you will be required to select the name of the channel, fill the description and assign tags to help your videos be find by other users. When a channel is registered, you can upload your videos.
Youtube is attentive to copyright so should not be used in commercial videos intellectual property – your channel can be blocked.

Types of earnings on YouTube

The most attractive way of earning from Youtube is the official affiliate program of service. In addition to 50% of the advertising revenues Youtube offers partners a number of additional features: placement of banners, to create videos preview video, promotion channel. Unfortunately, the service imposes certain requirements for potential participants. They relate the minimum required number of subscribers and views – both thousands. However, in addition, the official Youtube partner program, there are many other programs. As a rule, their participation requirements is much lower, and the returns can be more profitable.

However, you can make money without affiliate program – enough to allow the service to use your videos for commercial purposes. This is done in the channel settings, where you must click "Enable monetization". Before that you need to register an account in the service of contextual advertising Google AdSense and link it with Youtube. Now your viewers will be shown ads and their clicks on the advertised links will be paid.
Keep in mind that for registration in Google AdSense you must be at least 18 years of age.

Another way to earn money on their videos – placement of direct advertising directly from the advertiser. This can be an ad insert or so-called product placement, that is, a deliberate demonstration in the frame of the goods of certain brands. Naturally, to attract the attention of the advertiser can only gain enough popularity.

Finally, one of the most simple options generate income with Youtube – the location in the description of the video hyperlinks leading to third party sites. This allows to attract to these sites for more visitors who might bring profit to their owners. In addition, the increase in the number of unique visitors by itself is important for almost any website.